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Home   /   Bolts and Machine Screws - Metric   /   M14 x 25mm Unbrako Durlok Flange Bolt Hex Head in 12.9 Black / Self Colour - ISO 1665 (DIN 6921)

M14 x 25mm Unbrako Durlok Flange Bolt Hex Head in 12.9 Black / Self Colour - ISO 1665 (DIN 6921)

Unbrako Durlok® self locking, anti vibration hex head flange bolts. These are serrated flanged hex head bolts, which can be paired with the Unbrako Durlok® self locking serrated flanged nut. They both have a high tensile strength of 12.9 and a black oxide/self coloured finish. These heavy duty fasteners are suitable for situations where vibration and jarring occurs and where the joint is subject to high loads. They can be reused, as they are unlikely to be damaged by the adjoining surfaces. Durlok® Bolts are manufactured from alloy steel and are through hardened to give the same hardness from the tooth surface to the core. Durlok® Fasteners can be used at high temperatures up to 300°C.
Unbrako Durlok Hexagon Flange Screws in BO-12.9 image
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technical drawing of Unbrako Durlok Hexagon Flange Screws
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter M14
dc flange diameter 28.00
e min. minimum width across corners 21.23
k head height 12.50
k1 dimension 1 4.50
k2 dimension 2 2.20
s drive size 19.00
Standard ISO 1665 (DIN 6921)
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
Unbrako Engineering Guide
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M14 x 25mm Unbrako Durlok Flange Bolt Hex Head in 12.9 Black / Self Colour
M14 x 25mm Unbrako Durlok Flange Bolt Hex Head in 12.9 Black / Self Colour   WF59484
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Unbrako logo
technical drawing of Unbrako Durlok Hexagon Flange Screws
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter M14
dc flange diameter 28.00
e min. minimum width across corners 21.23
k head height 12.50
k1 dimension 1 4.50
k2 dimension 2 2.20
s drive size 19.00
Standard ISO 1665 (DIN 6921)
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
Unbrako Engineering Guide
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