Home   /   Metric Nuts   /   Dome Nuts M6 in Brass - DIN 1587

Dome Nuts M6 in Brass - DIN 1587

A popular nut used in applications where aesthetics are important, giving an attractive look. Domed end also ensures a smooth snag-free finish protecting both the fixing and any foreign body that may come into contact . Also known as an Acorn Nut, these nuts are manufactured to DIN 1587. Available with a Nylock insert to DIN 986.
Dome Nuts DIN 1587 in BRASS image
technical drawing of Dome Nuts DIN 1587
Technical Summary
Standard DIN 1587
Material Brass
Westfield Fasteners Ltd 2018
Description Sale Qtys Qty Price Breakdown Despatch Estimate
Dome Nuts M6 in Brass £3.00
Dome Nuts M6 in Brass
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technical drawing of Dome Nuts DIN 1587
Technical Summary
Standard DIN 1587
Material Brass
Westfield Fasteners Ltd 2018