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Dowel Screw (Hanger Bolt) Standard Shape M6 x 140mm in A2 Stainless

Also known as hanger bolts. A bolt with a wood thread at one end and a machined metric thread at the other, designed to be driven into a pre drilled pilot hole. Ideal for suspending sheet metal from wooden structures. Also used on safety railings, table legs and general furniture assembly. Some sizes include a central flat or hex drive section: please see the data sheet for more information.
Dowel Screw (Hanger Bolt) with metric and wood thread, standard type in A2 image
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Dowel Screw (Hanger Bolt) Standard Shape M6 x 140mm in A2 Stainless
Dowel Screw (Hanger Bolt) Standard Shape M6 x 140mm in A2 Stainless   (WF59287)
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